Kumano Zato, master of the blind sword,
defender of the eastern and far reaches.
Walker of paths of the sun's night,
treading with calloused feet a path
never seen by blind seeing eyes.

Born to this world like the world was made,
both knowing nothing but darkened skies.
Growing, learning as the earth did, slowly,
not to see with eyes that see nothing, for
the Mind’s eye must unlock the way ahead.

Spawned upon red skies of bloody death
fire and flames came to his village home.
Screams and nightmares of promised doom
renting the air. A Wurm of lore and legend,
driving the people forth to their demise.

Through Crags of Destiny he wandered aimless,
searching for the one horrid beast of fire.
Burning with vengeance, giving heat to a cold soul.
Peaks on high to glen low roamed Kumano,
finding nothing but caves filled with night.
Driven by a lusting hate he pursued him,
fumbling as a new born doe, ever onward.
Only finding whispers upon winds of strife and fear.

To forested dale he came, led by eternal
emptiness inside.  Upon a hill he climbed,
to a convergence of earth, water, and sky.
Entwined together, like a lovers embrace.
A nexus, a source of power that was made,
where Genjus lived, untapped and unseen they came,
gathering together, like many rivers of energy.
Gazing out, Kumano found a home.

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